Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013
Well this entry will be about London, the city I love. I'm fascinated by it, it's such an enchanting place. It's a city which gives you the feeling that everything is possible if you just try. It has rich and poor sides, high towers glistening in the sunlight and old buildings covered with graffiti. It has those impressive drama schools, this invidual fashion, traditional pubs, it has everything what a city needs to be perfect. For me it is perfect, it really is.
Well, the city in Germany where I live has a drama school too, but... I am not convinced of it, I somehow have the feeling that there are working people who aren't really professional. People, who lost their confession, who think they're failures.
One day I will go there and write about my experience... But first I have to get the driving license, even I'm not really in the mood to start driving lessons. But this is another story.

I want to share some lovely shots I made there with my camera (which isn't the best, but a good one)

When I was younger I really fell in love with the guards in London
A horse guard

There's this story about the guards in London. When I was younger I found them SO attractive, I don't acually know why I found that. I used to come around everywhere they stood and just watching them, thinking about how I could communicate with them (I would have never done that, but it was a nice thought). My main idea was to tell them that one blink is "yes" and two blinks are "no". So I could tell them stories and asking them "Don't you think so too?" (I never did that, unfortunately. Would be a funny story to tell).
And even now I like to take photographs of them, even I feel like a hardcore tourist while I'm taking the picture.

Beautiful vintage shop in London.
Another aspect I adore about London are the Vintage-shops. Last year I discovered the shop "BLITZ". It's an old factory selling clothes, shoes, accessoires, furniture, posters or something to drink. I bought just one thing, it was something like a blouse. But the material was thicker.

This one I bought in the London Blitz.
This is the "blouse"

I think the shop was in or near the Hanbury Street, a place with lots of vintage-shops. There was also a church selling vintage fashion, I found it lovely and cool.
You can also regard some great graffitis, like a badger with glasses and a hat, some very detailed faces, the colourful lettering "PLEASURE"...

Saw it near by the fenomenal vintage shop "BLITZ"
A graffiti on the wall of the London BLITZ

The people in London are polite, they aren't as unfriendly as the reputation says. I made the experience that they're very open and helpful.
A place my favourite singer Alison Mosshart likes is the Roundhouse. She said something like "the best fact about it is, that it's round". I haven't been to it, it's a concert hall. Maybe next time.

At least I want to add some photographs:

A statue in the Hide park.
Statue in the Hyde Park. I found it pretty cool that London's full of holes of green parts. So there's the grey "city-side" and the natural green "park-side"

Lord nelson and a horse statue...
Trafalgar Square

Market street
Portobello Road: A huge market street. I didn't buy many things, just a sweater. My problem was that I found the things too expensive or the quality was bad.

Pelicanes (?) in the Hyde Park

View from Hyde Park
View from Hyde Park: Church tower

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Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013
Adorable Films
With emma watson and ezra miller, main character Logan lerman

Yesterday I watched the film "Vielleicht lieber morgen/Perks of being a wallflower" and it was really , really awesome. I sometimes have the special situation that I cry by laughing while I'm watching a film because it's sad and lovely at the same time. Especially when I watch movies of Tim Burton. But this one wasn't from him. I don't know who created it.
It's about a boy who's going to highschool after a long time. He had a break because his best friend shot himself. I'm not quite sure, but I think he had some blackouts. He's very shy and closed, but after a while he finds two friends: Patrick and his sister Sam. They're showing him the good sides of the life, but at the same time he remembers things his brain faded out. These memories burden him as well as the fact that Sam doesn't reply his love.
I also mentionned movies from Tim Burton. I love those animated stuff like 'A Nightmare Before Christmas" , this one's so lovely and cute.

One of my favourite movies.

But I also adore the typical ones like "Sweeney Todd" or "Dark Shadows" with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter. Dark Shadow is more a funny one, but I prefer his melancholic works, those which are enchanting and playing some time ago.

With the adorable Helena Bonham Carter.
(Sweeney Todd: Johnny Depp and the adorable Helena Bonham Carter)

Tim Burton's films often are very dark and for some people also scary. Themes are most of the dead or the life after it. But his films aren't that brutal, they're more built on the feelings of the characters. I love them because I find that they're pure creativity. It's a beautiful imagination to create an own story, to invent characters and places full of magic.

At least I want to present a movie which is German. It's called "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo/ We children from Bahnhof Zoo"... It's maybe one of the most famous movies of Germany, but I don't know what that means... I don't think everyone knows it.
the storie's about Christiane F. , starting to take drugs with 14. She was fascinated by a class mate who was such a grown up one, so she started to go partying with her. At a club she met a guy called Detleff. His friends became her friends. They were all taking stuff like heroin and cocain, so she took it too, just because she didn't want to be an outsider.
She consumes more and more, and has to hustle for money at the train station "Bahnhof Zoo", a place of drug trade and prostitution. Two of her friends die, they had the "Golden shot" (I don't know if it's the same expression like in German), one of them as the "youngest drug victim of Berlin" with 14 years.
At the time she realizes that the heroin destroys her, she's going through cold turkey lots of times.
The film has a happy ending even Christiane F.'s still addicted to drugs with round 40 years old now. Today she ithinks that people from television are following and controlling her because of the book she wrote and the movie. She became insane somehow because of the drug consume. It's a sad story.

Favourite Movie
We children from Bahnhof Zoo

Nevertheless I wanted to write more about a song which is the soundtrack of the film. It's David Bowie's song "Heroes". I mention it because it's also an important song in the movie "Perks of being a wallflower" and yesterday I realized how beautiful it is. In the movie "We children from Bahnhof Zoo" it's more a negative, no, melancholic song. But in "Perks of being a wallflower" it sounds very positive and I liked it so much.
The following is a Trailer of "We children from bahnhof Zoo" , containing the song:

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Stupid anger about stupid stuff
Today I went to a sort of "further education", it's called 'Schüler Coach/student coach" and I absolutely hate it.
Every month I have to go there, after school. Our school-director and the school psychologist are leading it and they're annoying.
I thought this job "Schüler Coach" would be okay, but from lesson to lesson I started to hate those leaders and some other students who are also coming to the meetings more and more.
The director is okay, i don't actually like him, because he thinks he can look inside the people. But he's semi-honest. This psychologist is a pregnant woman who thinks her methods are super funny and clever at the same time. She looks like a fat version of Pumuckl with glasses (I think it's a german character, here is a picture):
The story's not worth to tell it

Okay, I'm really mean right now. And I don't really know why I find her unsympathetic... But my aversion is very big.
Furthermore there are those arrogant guys who always feel like they got the problem. Maybe they really got it, but they're stupid anyway... Perhaps my dislike is based on the fact that they're all clones. They're all partying and talking about, how many Jägermeister they drunk last night. It sucks!!!! What are they expecting? That I scream "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SO SUPER COOL!!! I would be sooooo proud if I could say that about me ... And even then it would sound stupid because I'm not an excellent version like YOU!!!!!" Sucks...

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Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013
To keep my promise
Like I already wrote, I'm now starting to write in English (hopefully right).
Passages out of stories and poems, which I wrote in German, stay German. So I won't change something into English, if I want to publish it.
I know, this site's called **, but it's not a rule to obey, I don't HAVE TO write in German. And furthermore I can practise my English.
Teachers would proudly nodd. I'm not quite sure if I'm following American or British English, maybe it's a mixture now...
I have to admit, that I prefer writing in BE, but I don't think I'm doing so well.
So just that this includes a content, I write now something about one of my favourite artists: Brian Molko. There exist some funny quotes he made, for example:
"We live in a strange bubble" (which is SO right, I completely agree)
"The more you'll dress up, the more fun you'll have" (This depends on the character of oneself, but I also agree)
"I feel very comfortable with the way I look, and I feel very comfortable with the kind of confusion that it creates in people's minds."
All by Brian Molko, if someone reads this, he or she can also check some more on this website:

He reminds me somehow of myself. But he's a more extreme version. I think, I'm blocked. I can't live like I want to. He calls himself "a prolet of a broken home" but I'm not a prolet. I feel like an artist, but at the same time I feel, like I'm stuck. I feel like I started the whole thing with the wrong people, in a wrong environment, with the wrong convictions.
But there are some character traits: His teachers said he was a great actor, but also sort of arrogant.
Teachers don't know I'm a great actor, but I know it. I have to break free, I have to leave this shadow. And I will. I HAVE TO. For me, for others.

So to finish this, here a photo of Brian Molko

"Music is about expressing things you can't in everyday life" ~Brian Molko~

One of my favourite artists. Little freak, I love him. he reminds me of myself.

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Kurze Info
Ich bin mir noch nicht sicher, aber ich glaube, ich fange demnächst an, auf Englisch zu schreiben.
Ich finde, Deutsch hört sich meist so lächerlich an... Und ich mag es nicht gerne sprechen. Es gibt zwar schöne Lieder auf deutsch (finde ich) aber... Irgendwie mag ich es nicht allzu sehr.

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What we do, what we get
Es ist Sonntag und es ist hell. Man könnte auch grell sagen... Aber ich schreibe "hell"
Hier ein Bild zur Veranschaulichung durch mein siffiges Fenster.
Heute ist mal wieder ein trister Sonntag. Die Sonne scheint grell und es liegt Schnee. In meinen Augen sind Sonntage Gammeltage... Vielleicht wird sich das ja noch ändern.

(Ich hoffe das funktioniert)

Die Überschrift passt besser zum gestrigen Tag, also beziehe ich mich ein wenig mehr auf ebendiesen.
"What we do, what we get" ist der Titel meines "Songtextheftchens". Ich wollte es nicht so nennen, es sollte einen Titel bekommen. Es ist mir etwas wert, deshalb.
Ich schreibe persönlich, aber auch über schöne "Dinge", also nicht direkt über Erlebnisse. 1 Lied handelt z.B. über den Film "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo". Ich bin in einer recht naiven Klasse, nun ja, ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, ob "naiv" passt. Ich würde eher sagen, sie sind noch ein wenig zurück oder besser noch: behütet/ lebensunerfahren. Ich bin auch nicht der erfahrenste Mensch, aber ich bin offener zum Leben und stempel niemanden wegen eines Liedes über Christiane F.s Kindheit als Depri ab.
Ich muss mir mal ein paar neue Freunde suchen, aber darüber geht es hier nicht.
Die "Band" besteht aus meiner besten Freundin und mir. Und zwei (bis jetzt) unwichtigen Nebencharakteren). Ich schreibe mehr oder weniger das meiste, wohl weil ich momentan etwas hobbylos bin. Vielleicht tut diese Distanzierung aber auch meinem "Künstlerleben" ganz gut, wer weiß.
Von meinen alten "richtigen" Freunden, fühle ich mich etwas verlassen.
Neue und alte Freunde definiere ich über meinen Schulwechsel. Alte Freunde sind richtige Freunde, neue eher "Notfreunde". Über ihre Persönlichkeiten urteile ich nicht (jedenfalls hier nicht), aber bei speziellen Personen habe ich schon ein paar Aspekte auszusetzen.
Jedenfalls habe ich das Gefühl, sie orientieren sich neu, während ich noch darauf baue, dass wir immer Freunde bleiben werden. We'll see.
Darüber könnte ich auch einmal ein Lied schreiben. Das wäre eine ganz gute Idee.
Im Schreiben bin ich nicht die stärkste, aber ich sehe meine Texte wiedererkennbar an.
Mein erstes "richtiges" (fertiges) Lied heißt momentan "Tribute to CF" , das ist das Lied zu dem Bahnhof-Zoo-Film.
Hier ein kurzer Ausschnitt:

Were we so close
to heaven or
Will I ever
fall apart?

And if I leave u now
For this heaven now?
Will I ever fall apart?

So was it me?
Was it u?
Was it them?
Was it just our fate to fall apart?

Es geht noch weiter, aber ich höre hier mal auf. Ich beziehe mich in dem Lied auf den goldenen Schuss, welchen ich heaven nenne. Und darauf, dass die Protagonisten im Film schon ahnen, dass sie bald zerbrechen, obwohl sie schon Entzugsversuche unternehmen. Es ist nicht viel text, aber ich finde es reicht und er ist mir gut gelungen.

Momentan ist es das einzig komplette, bei den anderen Liedern muss ich mich noch viel um den text und um die Harmonien kümmern.

Ich zeige hier noch einmal einen kleinen Auszug von einem noch titellosen Lied, indem ich aber nicht meine gefühle (naja, rein theoretisch schon... Aber ich habe mich eher auf eine Freundin bezogen) zu dem Tod eines Familienmitgliedes beziehe:

Why ain't u here now?
Where are u gone?
My oh my
I know I shouldn't cry

There are so many things left to say
Sadness came and is willed to stay
Severe'n grey

Was hard to let go
Was hard to get on
My oh my
Watchin' the blue sky

(copyright by Laura / sofern das bei Texten geht)

Dazu mag ich nichts erzählen, da ich nicht viel (bis jetzt) damit verbinde.

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